Wednesday, August 03, 2005

genius in the age of verbosity

it's been a while. i had promised myself that i would write everyday and THEN i got this awful comment from a reader of my work (elsewhere) that i'm too self-conscious. well, that sent me for a tailspin, writing wise.

so, i've been holed up in my head thinking about whether or not that's true, whether or not that matters, and whether or not i should give a rat's patooty what this guy thinks. and then i read a david sedaris book - naked. at first i said (in my head to my friend), "yeah, then, you go to hell you hater" cause mr. sedaris seems pretty self-conscious to me and people LOVE him. and then i thought, well, can there be more than one david sedarisey kind of writer? now, i imagine you may be rolling your eyes, sniggering that "you may be decent, but you ain't no d.s. so the anology is moot," and fine, fine, i thought that too, but i'm just wondering what the "market" will bear in the case of compulsive confessional writing. has the internet, blogging, watered down writing so that everyone's a genius, rendering no one a genius?


Anonymous said...

I think you should write constantly. Screw what people think. Remember, blogging is unlike any other form of public writing in that it is about the writer, not the reader. If you're worried about what people read, then start a new blog and don't tell anyone about it. I didn't tell more than one or two people about my blog for months after I started it.

You should also read this piece on How to Blog.

I don't agree with him 100%, but the spirit of the piece is worth the read.

bean said...

if you stop blogging, i will personally kick your ass. you're too cool of a woman not to be heard.

i check your blog every day.

Anonymous said...

See? You've only been blogging a short while and you're already getting comment-spam! I'd been at it for a couple of years before I got spammed.